Research Group
Eight cities in Europe, East Asia, Southeast Asia and Oceania are examined in the project network. The individual studies involve several domains of urban life. They treat problems that manifest particularly radically in that individual city, but, in a globalized world, also cause difficulties in many other cities: Environmental ethics in Auckland, cultural heritage in Istanbul, movements for Slow-City-Lifestyle in Tokyo, the question of the subject status of citizens in Moscow, conflicts over affordable housing in Munich, architectural modernization as economic and cultural modernization in Singapore, the dispute over the "right" form of the city and its corresponding ways of life in Berlin and Bucharest.
In those case studies, the formations of urban ethics go hand in hand with conflictual macro-level processes of change and transformation. They are also associated with differing ideas and projects of modernity that are intertwined in globalization processes. Such processes are first visible and experienced in metropolises and large cities, where specific pre-conditions are given, like-minded people can be found and social differences coexist.
Auckland: Urban Environmental Ethics at the Edge of the City: The Creation of Ethical Citizens for Auckland’s “Blue Backyard” (2018-2021)
Mexico City: Ethical Conjunctures, Globalized Environmental Discourses, and the Pursuit of a Better City (2018 - 2021)
Munich: Charity. A praxeological approach to practices of help under urban conditions (2018 - 2021)
New York City: The “just city” and the violence of ethics in political protest (2018 - 2021)
Rio de Janeiro: A door to the future? Debates about the transformation of Porto Maravilha (2018 - 2021)
Tbilisi: Prostitution in Tbilisi. Marginalization and Empowerment of Prostitutes in moral Discourses und urban Practice in the 20iest und early 21st century (2018-2021)
Auckland: Pollution, Urban Ethics and Cultural Practice (2015 - 2018)
Berlin: Urban Ethics in an Area of Tension Between Homogenizing Models of Townscape and Demands for Heterogeneous Concepts of Space and Appropriation (Associate Project: 2015 - 2018)
Bucharest – Controversies Around "Responsible" Urban Life Since the 1970s (2015 - 2018)
Istanbul: Heritage ‑ Valuable and Dispensable. The Ethics of Urban Renewal and Heritage Protection, from 1910 to the Gezi Protests of 2013 (2015 - 2019)
Moscow: Urban Ethics of Protest and Violence of Ethics (2015 - 2018)
Munich: Living and Housing Policy in Munich. Urban Ethics in the Context of Civic Engagement and Urban Governance (2015 - 2018)
Singapore Idiom: Urban Ethics between the Constructions of Space and Architecture Practices of a Creative City (Associate Project: 2015 - 2018)
Tokyo: Towards a Slow City? Strategies and Initiatives Aimed at Slowing Urban Contexts of Life (2015 - 2018)