Urban Ethics

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Project Supervisors

Prof. Dr. Johannes Moser
Institute of Folkloristis / European Ethnology
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

This project connects several of my research interests, including general considerations in urban research, previous studies on housing, and a special interest in socio-spatial transformation processes.

Dr. Simone Egger
Department of History and European Ethnology
Faculty of Humanities, University of Innsbruck

The topic of “housing” provides an interface within urbanist research between ideas of planning, aspects of everyday life, collaborations and utopias. This analysis of cultural densification follows my previous research (dissertation project "Munich is modern. City and atmosphere in the long 1960s").

Project Manager

Laura Gozzer, M.A., research assistant
Institute of Folklore / European Ethnology
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München