Project Manager
Prof. Dr. Christoph K. Neumann
Chair of Turkish Studies
Institute for the Near and Middle East
My research interests include the history of historiography, the Ottoman city and the emergence of the modern public sphere in Istanbul as well as contemporary Turkish culture of remembrance. The project deals with one of the interfaces of these issues; and it concerns issues of materiality and spatiality– for the humanities today substantial points of connection to other disciplines. The ethical aspect is this sense central because it allows the formulation of common issues of political, social and methodological relevance.
Project Manager
To better understand the city of Istanbul, I have over the past few years studied in several academic disciplines: sociology and political science (HU Berlin), Ottoman history (Bilgi University,Istanbul) urban studies (University of Urbino, Italy), and most recently human geography (KU Leuven, Belgium). I am interested above all in the importance of history for the city today– so both questions of national identity, of memory and collective memory, as well as the role that the discourse of urban genealogy plays today.
Kadır Has Universität Istanbul, Istanbul Studies Centre
Director of the Institut Français d‘Études Anatoliennes
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yonca Erkan Kösebay
Kadır Has Universität Istanbul, Architecture, MA program listed, owner of the UNESCO Chair